The piano, or other instruments requires practicing. However, you have to be practicing effectively. This guide will assist you in developing the right habits for practicing so that you get the most of your time practicing and experience real improvements.

Set Clear Goals

Long-Term Goals

  • Examples Learn an entirely new song, develop reading skills, master the difficult part.
  • Tips Note your goals down and create an achievable timeframe.

Short-Term Goals

  • Examples Try a certain scale and work on a difficult part of a piece or practice a song and avoid errors.
  • Tip Tip: Break down long-term goals into manageable, smaller tasks.

Create a Practice Schedule

Consistency is Key

  • Day-to-day practice Try to do at least 20-30 minutes each day.
  • Routine The goal is to practice every day, to form a habit.

Be Flexible

  • Adjust time If you’re on an extremely busy day, you can squeeze into a smaller training session rather than abstaining from it altogether.
  • Balance Blend focussed practice with fun games to make your practice sessions fun.

Warm Up Properly

Physical Warm-Ups

  • Stretch Flex your wrists, fingers, and arms prior to playing.
  • Finger exercises Simple exercises that will move your fingers.

Musical Warm-Ups

  • Scales and arpeggios Excellent for enhancing coordination and finger strength.
  • Quick Pieces Begin by playing a tune you’ve played well to ease into the flow.

Focus on Difficult Sections

Isolate Trouble Spots

  • Short Sections Try challenging phrases or measures separately.
  • The Slowdown Begin slowly and gradually increase your speed as you become more comfortable.


  • Repeat Play the challenging section several times until it becomes natural.
  • Variety The section can be practiced in various ways (e.g. alter the dynamics or rhythm).

Use a Metronome

Stay in Time

  • Consistency helps you maintain an even pace.
  • Gradual Boost Begin slow and then gradually increase speed as you progress.

Record and Evaluate


  • Make Your Record You can listen to your recordings in order to find areas that need improvement.
  • Notes Note down what went well as well as what could be improved.

Stay Motivated

Mix Things Up

  • Variety Switch between various parts as well as exercises in order to make things fresh.
  • Playful Pieces Add music you like playing to keep focused.

Track Your Progress

  • Journal Note: Keep a journal for practice to keep track of your goals and successes.
  • Celebrate Small victories: Rejoice in small wins to keep you motivated.

Take Breaks

Avoid Burnout

  • Short breaks Make short breaks in long practice sessions to refresh your hands and relax your mind.
  • Relaxation Removing yourself and from your instrument for few minutes when you are feeling frustrated or exhausted.

Making sure you have a good practice routine is essential to become an improved musician. Through setting goals clearly and establishing a regular practice schedule, paying attention to difficult parts, using instruments such as a metronome and remaining motivated and focused, you’ll get the most out of your time practicing. Keep in mind that the quality of your practice will be more valuable than the quantity. Happy practicing!


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